Who I Am

i’m Nadeem Khan

A .

Nadeem Khan


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Hello There!

I discovered my passion for computers when I was a sophomore in High School; it was then when it became clear what I wanted to do for a living. I pursued my career at the amazing Department of Computer Science, Peshawar University, where I started my major in Databases. A year later I took a beginner’s Web class, where I discovered the love for code. After that, I switched my major to Interactive Programming and started the never-ending journey of becoming a Software Engineer and then Solution Architect.

The world of computers is growing at an un-recordable rate every day. Computers are the most influential tools in our lives; they are our present and future. Computer Industry has exponential growth in modern era and this is where I want to contribute my research, experienced, capabilities.

Birthdate : 02/22/1984
Skype : luckynadeem
Email : nadeem@khan.ae
Website :
Employer : 2interact Middle East L.L.C.
Address : Jumeirah 1, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

  • Solution Architect
  • Software Engineer
  • Web Application Developer


  • 01
    Solution Architect / Development Team Lead

    2Interact Middle East FZ-LLC [https://2interact.us]

    • Responsible for whole architecture of the HRMS having 70+ integrated HRMS modules.
    • Initiation, inspect the project/module idea itself and identify risk and gaps in first place.
    • Set Software Requirements Specification (SRS) between stakeholders, Project Manager and Business Analysts.
    • Develop, communicate, and enforce the software architecture strategy based on Agile Principles.
    • Translate business needs and requirements into technical requirements.
    • Clearly set team goals, delegate task, set deadlines based on resource availability and project timeline.
    • Implemented JIRA and configured it with existing projects to track the history of each task.
    • Supervising, managing and motivating team members on daily basis with energetic positive attitude.
    • Reviewing source code and database updates using SOLID and ACID principles on approval. Also ensure it is well maintained and safe from vulnerabilities.
    • Actively working setting up AWS strategies and deployment of different product/modules based on the client requirements.
    • Complete the task and document everything from Customer Satisfaction to Lesson Learned.
    • Performed Stress Test, Profiler, New Relic, Grafana and Cloud Watch depends on the client requirements.
    • Conduct Technical Interview using STAR technique for team building.
    • Onboarding, Coaching and guiding junior developers to maintain standard code design.

    May 2017 - Present

  • 02
    Senior Backend Engineer

    2Interact Middle East FZ-LLC

    • Developed new features and fixed bugs in PHP, .NET, Smarty and MySQL.
    • Actively contributed in converting Business requirements into technical requirements.
    • Develop and deployed the Interact iOS Mobile Application for HRMS in Paly Store [Android] and App Store [Apple].
    • Implemented the deployment pipeline using GitHub Actions and SonarQube.
    • Help teammates in building new features.
    • Reviewing source code and database updates using SOLID and ACID principles on approval. Also ensure it is well maintained and safe from vulnerabilities.
    • Designing complex algorithm and queries for the developers.
    • Wrote test cases for each component using JEST to ensure bug free application.
    • Code reviews with the junior developers and mentoring them about best practices.
    • Wrote scripts to scrape data from different websites using Python Scrapy.
    • Participating with QA for Static Testing, Dynamic Testing and discuss security concerns on various cybersecurity technologies.
    • Wrote test cases for each module using Jest, Enzyme and Testing Library and increased the code coverage up to 90%.
    • Contributed in Data Migration using TRICKLE technique from MySQL to Oracle on separate servers.
    • Back-end/Front-end performance tuning.

    May 2012 – April 2017 (5 years)

  • 03
    Web Application Developer

    2Interact Middle East FZ-LLC

    • Developed new features and fixed bugs in PHP, Smarty and MySQL.
    • Resolved cross browser styling and responsive issues in the applications.
    • Optimized the application which increased the overall experience.
    • Implemented KPI Charts and Graphs.
    • Work on integrating Commercial ERP API as GL Formats.
    • Developed different Bank Files Formats, different bank Checks and Pay slips in Interact HRMS.
    • Make sure SOLID and ACID principles are applied while writing code.

    May 2012 – April 2017 (4 years)

  • 04
    System Analyst / Database Designer

    Khybersoft Technologies

    My Primary task was to create and design the database and control flow for the client projects. It includes Database, Structure, Users, Views, Indexes, synonyms etc. I was also involved in maintaining the security of the database, checking Integrity, Backup and Recovery. I also had to provide the Quality Assurance Report before handling the project to client. Also I have trained the Personnel/ Staff on Basics of Information Technology and how to work with the project that was created for them. Dealing with many contractors/sponsors has enhanced my Human Resource skills.



  • 01
    Information Technology

    University of Peshawar

    I have completed Bachelor (Hons.) of Information Technology from Department of Computer Science, University of Peshawar with Cumulative GPA of 3.7 gaining 1st position in batch.


  • 02
    HSSC (Higher Secondary School Certification)

    Peshawar Model Degree College, Pakistan

    Second Position Holder in the batch with 1st Division score.


  • 03
    SSC (Higher Secondary School Certification)

    Islamia English Model High School, Pakistan

    First Position Holder with 1st Division.



  • 84
    Cloud Services
  • 79
    Design Patterns
  • 75
  • 84
    Source Management
  • 80
    Micro Services
  • 80
  • 84
  • 71
  • Creative 90%
  • Leadership 95%
  • Communication 83%
  • Solution Architect 95%
  • Programming Logic 98%
  • English/Urdu/Hindi/Arabic 95%




    This is one of the SADDEST stories ever told in Hollywood. His name is Sylvester Stallone. One of the BIGGEST and Most famous American Movie superstars. Back in the day, Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition. Back in the day,Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition.

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    Career Paths in Computer Science

    Computer science (CS) spans the range from theory through programming to cutting-edge development of computing solutions. Computer science offers a foundation that permits graduates to adapt to new technologies and new ideas.

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    Its about simplicity....

    One day, a rich dad took his son on a trip. Wanted to show him how poor someone can be. They spent time on the farm of a poor family. On the way home, dad asked, "Did you see how poor they are? What did you learn?

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To make sure you are a human, we need you to click on the key.